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Introverts Make Better Reps

Posted:  Mar 07, 2016
I am an introvert. Yes, I like to stay home on a Friday evening for “Netflix & chill.” Yes, the idea of a large group of people terrifies me a little bit. But I’m not afraid of people – I like people! I just like to be able to go home afterwards.

I think that I am uniquely suited to be a representative because I am tuned in to what it’s like to have a sales rep in your face, pushing products – that is the opposite of what I want to do.  I want to be a resource for architects, I love to bring them food, teach them a little bit, joke around, and hope to hear from them again soon.  

As an introvert, I am sensitive to pushiness, and to body language.  I’m not interested in pushing a product on you that you don’t want. 

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