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A Day In the Life: Part 2

Becoming an Architectural Specifications Rep

Posted:  Mar 28, 2016
I get to talk to people all day, every day. I spend about three days a week calling architects and offering our complimentary services. I don’t have to hard sell anyone on a product that I don’t believe in or that they don’t need. I get human interaction that I was missing as a scientist, and I get to offer them a product they’re excited about.

The other two days a week I go meet the architects, feed them free lunch, and talk to them about our products.  This earns them continuing education credits that they need to keep their licenses.  I always liked teaching, and teaching people who want to learn is the cherry on top.

I get to work from home.  See previous statement for human interaction, so no, I don’t go stir crazy.  I get to make sales calls in my pajamas!  I have the time to exercise and eat healthy, which I didn’t do when I was commuting on a bus for hours a day.  I read a lot and get to pursue hobbies I thought I’d have to wait for retirement to enjoy.

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